Neste Marine™ 0.1 Co-processed
A lower-emission solution for the marine sector, including shipping companies, cargo owners and charterers.

Neste Marine™ 0.1 Co-processed is a lower-emission solution for the marine sector, including shipping companies, cargo owners and charterers. In the production of the fuel, crude oil is partly replaced with renewable raw materials, making up a marine fuel that consist of both fossil and renewable content. The renewable part of the co-processed marine fuel enables up to 80%* lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions over the fuel’s life cycle compared to fossil fuel.

Up to 80%* lower GHG emissions immediately
Emission reduction of the renewable share of the product compared to fossil fuels over the lifecycle. ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS** certified.

Refined quality
Compliance with ISO 8217 and SECA*** requirements and good stability.

Easy to switch
Good compatibility and a composition similar to conventional marine fuels, supporting engine room operations. No modifications or investments in infrastructure needed.
Neste Marine Co-processed marine fuel is produced at our refinery in Porvoo, Finland, where renewable raw materials are co-processed with fossil raw materials in the conventional refining process. Co-processing raw materials enables control over quality throughout the process and delivers a product with a composition and performance similar to conventional marine fuels.
Discover how change finds a way when we work together:
Neste Marine™ 0.1 Co-processed is based on Neste Marine™ 0.1 low-sulphur marine fuel. For further specifications, see the product page.
* Emission reduction of the bio-based share of the product over the fuel’s life cycle compared to fossil fuel. The method used to calculate life cycle emissions and emission reduction is guided by the EU Renewable Energy Directive II (EU)2018/2001.
** The sustainability characteristics of the co-processed marine fuel are certified with International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS) with a mass balance approach.
*** Sulphur Emission Control Area (SECA).
Neste Marine™ 0.1 low-sulphur marine fuel
Neste Marine™ 0.1 Co-processed is based on Neste Marine™ 0.1 low-sulphur marine fuel.
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Would you like to receive an offer or hear more about products and overall solutions? Contact: marine.sales@neste.com