Neste as an investment for investors.


Neste (NESTE, Nasdaq Helsinki) creates sustainable choices for the needs of transport, businesses and consumers. Our global range of products and services allows customers to lower their carbon footprint by combining high-quality renewable products and oil products to tailor-made service solutions.

Neste as an investment for investors.
Neste to publish its Q2/2024 results on 25 July 2024

Focus on operational excellence in a weak renewables market

A conference call in English for investors and analysts was held on 25 July 2024.

Watch the recording

Read the report

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Neste APAC personnel.

Annual Report 2023

Neste Annual Report 2023 published

A close up of two business colleagues using a digital tablet to look over some sales data together at the office.

Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting was held on 27 March 2024. The recording is available below.

Neste Analyst Day 2024

Neste organized an analyst day at the Rotterdam refinery on 12 March 2024. The presentation by President and CEO Matti Lehmus and CFO Martti Ala-Härkönen focused on long-term views and sustainable aviation fuel.

You can download the material here(pdf).

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Snail and mushrooms in climate change and biodiversity.


Sustainability reports, KPI's and indices

Go to Neste's sustainability reporting page
People laughing in car | Neste

Neste's strategy

At Neste, our aim is to be a global leader in renewable and circular solutions.

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People sitting on a rock by the water.

Neste's sustainability vision

Our sustainability vision pushes our strategic actions forward. It is crucial especially in a world where issues are increasingly interlinked.

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Group of people | Neste

Respect for Human Rights

In line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Neste’s Human Rights Principle sets the path and standards for a rights-based approach in all of our business decisions

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Neste employees in Singapore refinery

Q2 2024 Pre-silent Newsletter

A wrap-up of the latest quarter including most important releases published during the quarter and highlights upcoming IR events.

Releases and news

Here you will find our latest press and stock exchange releases, and news.

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