Efficient use of water

Cooling is the largest application of Neste's water use. Cooling water is mainly sea water.

Water and steam are used in Neste’s operations. Most of our water consumption takes place in refining. In addition to refining, water is used for example at terminals and station networks, raw material production and in shipping.

We monitor our water consumption and aim to minimize it wherever possible. We take water-related aspects into account in procurement of renewable raw materials and also when choosing suppliers.

Production of renewable fuels is water efficient

Most of the water we use is consumed in the production of fossil fuels. Cooling is the largest application of water use. Cooling water is mainly sea water. As for refining renewable fuels, water consumption is relatively low, as water is mainly used in generating steam. Because of its size, the Porvoo refinery is Neste's largest water user. 

Our water sources are the River Maas, Rotterdam and the Mustijoki river, Porvoo. Our Singapore refinery primarily uses recycled wastewater, some from rainwater, surface water from Malaysia, and desalinated seawater by the Public Utilities Board.

Monitoring waterways

In Finland we monitor the sea areas next to our Porvoo refinery and Naantali terminal and the quality of the water together with outside experts. Monitoring covers water quality, the seabed organisms and local fisheries. The authorities are responsible for monitoring marine conditions in Rotterdam.

Water for cooling down processes

Refinery processes require cooling, which is done by using water or air. All of our refineries use closed-cycle cooling systems, so the cooling water is not contaminated. The process water in these systems is cooled down using seawater or air cooling. Seawater is used at all the company's refineries except in Rotterdam, where cooling water is bought in from an outside supplier. Seawater is returned to the sea after use.


Treated wastewater is discharged into waterways in Porvoo and Rotterdam refineries. Before discharging into waterways, all wastewater passes through on-site treatment plants.

Wastewater from the Singapore refinery is not discharged into the sea. Instead it goes to a local wastewater treatment plant after pre-treatment. The treatment includes physical-chemical and biological processes. Part of the treated wastewater is treated further into process water.

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