Notifications of manager's transactions
Neste Corporation managers and their closely associated persons referred to in the Market Abuse Regulation ((EU) No 596/2014, ”MAR”) are requested to follow the below instructions for notifying transactions made using Neste's financial instruments. For more information on the topic, please refer to Neste Guidelines for Neste Corporation Insiders.
As Neste shall publish the transactions of the managerial persons and their closely associated persons on a stock exchange release within the same deadline of 3 business days, the managerial persons and the closely associated persons should preferably notify Neste already on the same day as the transaction was made, however, absolutely within 3 business days since the transaction was executed.
Such notifications must be made to Neste Corporation and the FIN-FSA immediately and no later than three (3) business days after the date of the transaction
Instructions for filling the transaction notification form
1. Fill in the Managers Transaction Form in FIN-FSA electronic services
The use of electronic services requires strong user identification by using the national authentication service In case you don’t have a Finnish identity number, you need to register and log in.
Find more detailed instructions to fill the form here.
Neste Corporation's LEI code | 5493009GY1X8GQ66AM14 |
ISIN codes of Neste Corporation shares | FI0009013296 |
2. Send the completed form to Neste Corporation electronically
On the final page of the form, you can save the form as a pdf.
Send the completed form via your email box to Neste Corporation
Write "Notifications of manager's transactions” as an email subject. Please, also write your contact information (phone or mobile number) in the email.
3. Send the completed form to Financial Supervisory Authority electronically
On the final page of the form there is a send button. After you have saved the form as a pdf, you may send it automatically to the FSA by using the send button.
In case of any problem, please contact
Stock Exchange Release
Neste Corporation publishes the notification it has received in a stock exchange release promptly after receipt of the notification.
Published notifications of transactions by managers and their closely associated persons can be read here.
Further information on the regulation concerning the notifications of managers’ and their closely associated persons’ transactions is available at, for example, here.
The file description for managers’ and their closely associated persons’ transactions is available here.
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