Frequently asked questions related to SAF
We have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions about sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). In this FAQ, we aim to provide you with comprehensive information about SAF and how it can reduce emissions from air travel today.

Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel
What is Sustainable Aviation Fuel?
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) is a renewable aviation fuel, made from sustainably sourced, 100% renewable waste and residue raw materials. Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel, in its neat (unblended) form and over its life cycle, reduces greenhouse gas emissions by up to 80% compared to using fossil jet fuel (calculated with established life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies, such as CORSIA methodology). Neste MY SAF can be used as a drop-in fuel as it is compatible with existing aircraft engines and airport fuel infrastructure, requiring no extra investment or modifications. Prior to use, Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel is blended with fossil jet fuel and certified to meet ASTM jet fuel specifications.
What is SAF made of?
Neste's SAF is produced from 100% renewable waste and residue raw materials, such as used cooking oil and animal fat waste. Our innovation business platforms focus on the commercial and technical development of new sustainable and scalable raw materials and technologies enabling their use. We are for example exploring algae, municipal solid waste, lignocellulosics, and Power-to-Liquid fuel (or ‘e-fuels’).
How is SAF made?
Neste produces SAF with our proprietary NEXBTL™ technology which allows the use of almost any waste fat or vegetable oil to produce SAF and other renewable products. It is based on HEFA-technology, currently the commercially most viable technology to produce SAF. Neste only uses used cooking oil and animal fat waste to produce SAF.
Where is SAF produced and what is the production capacity?
Neste has a global SAF production capability of 1 million tons per annum at our refineries in Finland and Singapore. This will grow to 1.5 million tons per annum in the beginning of 2024 when we will also have SAF production capability in the Netherlands.
How does Neste source raw materials for SAF?
Neste's SAF is produced from 100% renewable waste and residue raw materials such as used cooking oil and animal fat waste. Neste sources raw materials from all over the world. We expect the global availability of waste and residue oils and fats to grow to 40 million tons per annum by 2030.
Is Neste developing new raw materials?
Neste is innovating to bring new SAF production pathways to life. We are focusing on the following promising new raw materials and technologies enabling their use: lignocellulosic raw materials, municipal solid waste, algae, and Power-to-Liquids (or ‘e-fuels’), to name a few.
How is SAF used?
SAF is used as a drop-in fuel blended with conventional jet fuel in existing aircraft. Neste MY SAF is blended with fossil jet fuel before use meeting ASTM jet fuel specifications and then available for uplifting into aircraft using the existing fuel infrastructure at airports.
Read more about Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel
What are the environmental benefits of SAF?
Using Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel in its neat form reduces greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) by up to 80% over the fuel’s life cycle, compared to using fossil jet fuel (calculated with established life cycle assessment (LCA) methodologies, such as CORSIA methodology).
In addition, using SAF has significantly lower non-CO2 effects compared to fossil jet fuel. Scientific research, such as in reports from EASA, have confirmed that fossil jet fuel has approximately three times the climate impact of just the carbon emissions. Using SAF reduces particulate emissions due to cleaner combustion; as a result, there is less contrail formation which has a climate warming effect. Because of the lower particulate emissions the environmental benefits of SAF are actually even more significant than just the 80% GHG emission reductions.
Which airlines are currently using Neste MY SAF?
Neste MY SAF is used by leading commercial airlines in Europe, North America and Asia including Lufthansa, Air France-KLM , IAG, Finnair, American Airlines, Alaska Airlines, JetBlue, ANA, JAL as well as cargo carriers such as DHL Group and UPS.
Read more about Neste MY Sustainable Aviation Fuel
Which airports are currently using SAF?
Neste MY SAF is available at an increasing number of major airports, including San Francisco International Airport (SFO), Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Amsterdam Airport Schiphol (AMS), Frankfurt Airport (FRA), Singapore Changi Airport (SIN) and Narita International Airport (NRT). We also work with industry leading distributors to provide Neste MY SAF to other airports and business aviation customers.
SAF for companies
Frequently asked questions
What are the benefits of purchasing SAF to reduce my company’s emissions?
The most sustainable way to reduce aviation emissions would be to reduce flying. Since that’s not always possible, the second best option is to fly with Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF). SAF is a real in-sector emission reduction in the aviation sector with a direct impact. Purchasing SAF as an emission reduction “allows you to go the extra mile” in multiple ways, as it goes beyond what is, or will be, required by regulations and mandates. The report SAF Certificate from us you will receive after the SAF has been delivered and consumed is verified by an independent third party and can be used in your company’s sustainability reporting to support credible claims.
How can I calculate my company’s aviation emissions?
For calculating your company’s aviation emissions, we recommend the International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) industry-leading practice for Passenger CO2 Standard Methodology. For air freight, we recommend to follow the methodology published by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Carbon Emissions Calculator Methodology Air Freighter (Version 1, September 2023) and the IATA recommended practice 1678 on Cargo CO2 Emissions Measurement Methodology. Some private platforms can support you to estimate your business travel and air freight emissions based on their own database (e.g. EcoTransit, Pledge, myClimate, Atmosfair, etc).
Already know your company’s aviation emissions? Use our calculator to estimate your SAF need.
How do I reduce my company’s aviation emissions by purchasing SAF?
Compared to fossil jet fuel, SAF can reduce GHG emissions by up to 80% over the fuel lifecycle. As part of the SAF purchase, you will receive GHG emission reduction reporting documents audited by a third party. You can use this to support your carbon emission reduction reporting and to help you meet your sustainability goals. Practical guidelines for using the customer delivery report come as part of your SAF purchase.
Will my flight fly with SAF after my purchase?
After you have made your SAF purchase, Neste delivers the SAF to one of the partnering airlines, who will then fuel their planes and fly with that SAF. You can purchase SAF from anywhere in the world, but planes with Neste SAF will only be fueled at a few designated airports at the moment to avoid unnecessary transportation of SAF. While the plane you board may not fly with SAF, you will be supplied with an SAF delivery report once your SAF has been used by one of our partner airlines. This way, you are aware that the fuel has been delivered to an airline, emission reductions have been achieved, and you know that you have made a significant step toward a more sustainable aviation industry.
How can I trust Neste Impact, the calculations, and the reporting I receive?
At Neste, we ensure the transparency and credibility of Neste Impact by following the latest standards and frameworks for SAF, such as SBTIs aviation sector guidance. Emission reductions achieved are verified by a third party to ensure:
A clear chain of custody - specific purchased SAF volumes are directly linked to you and partner airlines.
Proof of sustainability - based on certification SAF standards
Pure additional volumes - offering additional GHG emission reduction to parties involved beyond regulatory schemes
Exclusive ownership of environmental attributes - no selling forward of the fuel/bio-attributes of emissions
Accurate scope accounting and book-keeping - SAF is not double-counted across reporting or customers. This is done in line with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol
Want to know more? Read more about Neste’s audit.
How do I ensure the emissions my SAF purchase reduces aren’t double counted and claimed?
Our SAF delivery and transaction process is audited by a third party from end to end to verify that the integrity of our service is, to ensure only one party claims the SAF in your purchase.
The audit scope includes verification that:
The SAF has been certified according to an EU voluntary scheme up until the point of delivery to Neste’s distribution terminal location, and Neste has removed the sustainability attributes.
The airline has self-declared its SAF consumption, and SAF is not considered the volume under any renewable fuel mandate or obligation.
The airline has reported Scope 1 emissions and that its Scope 3 emissions are dedicated to one end-customer only.
The auditor confirms that there has been a clear chain of custody on the transfer of fuel and the corresponding emission reduction claims between different parties involved in this transaction.
The certification Neste uses is EU-compliant ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification), which registers, tracks, and traces all SAF credit transactions. ISCC provides customers with a credit retirement declaration displaying details regarding the SAF delivery and emission reduction, which can be used for sustainability reporting.
Why is SAF expensive? Why and how does Neste Impact add value for my business?
Our service offers a credible, real and direct emission reduction and comes with guidelines for how to report the reduced emissions. The price includes the fuel and is a significant step toward a more sustainable future.
Is there a minimum volume of SAF required for a purchase?
There is no minimum volume requirement for your SAF purchase. We are scaling up our capacity as we speak, and run a world class refinery in Singapore, to be able to serve everyone in the future. Fill out our emission calculator to see how we can best help you reduce your aviation emissions. The collective efforts undertaken today will contribute significantly to the credible reduction of aviation-related emissions.
How does emission reduction with SAF differ from offsetting?
By purchasing SAF, you can reduce the emissions created by aviation directly. Carbon offsetting broadly refers to a reduction in GHG emissions, usually through land restoration or the planting of trees, that is used to compensate for emissions that occur elsewhere. In this approach, the emissions created by flying, however, remain the same. By using SAF, you can reduce aviation-related carbon emissions directly within the aviation sector and make a real change toward your sustainability targets.