Respecting human rights

In line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, Neste’s Human Rights Principle sets the path and standards for a rights-based approach in all of our business decisions. We expect all of our suppliers and business partners to respect internationally-recognized human rights, and to comply with the minimum human rights requirements set out in Neste’s Supplier Code of Conduct.
Neste’s human rights ambition 2030
One of the cornerstones of Neste’s sustainability vision is our human rights ambition to create a more equitable and inclusive value chain by 2030, in which everyone works with dignity. The priority areas for action under this ambition are:
Did you know?
Human rights are the foundation that enables all individuals to lead dignified and independent lives, free from abuse and discrimination: all people have a right to be treated with dignity.
Just transition
At Neste, future readiness means delivering on our climate commitments to lead the transformation towards a carbon neutral value chain by 2040.
We recognize the importance of ensuring that this global transformation is a just transition as envisaged by the Paris Agreement, one which delivers green and decent jobs and creates resilient communities where everyone can thrive.
Neste promotes a people-first approach in our just transition planning, underpinned by our commitments to respect human rights, promote decent work, engage in social dialogue, and address inequalities across the value chain.
Read more in Neste's Just Transition Statement.
Human rights in supply chain
The minimum human rights requirements for Neste business partners - including suppliers, contractors and service providers - are set out in the Neste Supplier Code of Conduct.
Neste encourages and supports its business partners to continually improve and develop beyond the minimum, to reach the human rights standards and expectations set out in the Human Rights Principle.
The key human rights topics covered under the Supplier Code of Conduct include Employment Standards, Terms of Employment, Children & Young Workers, Forced Labor & Recruitment Fees, Equality & Non-Discrimination, Non-Harassment, and Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining. These criteria are incorporated in the topics covered under the human rights due diligence processes used to identify, assess and address adverse impacts in our supply chains.
Preventing and mitigating adverse impacts
We work to prevent and mitigate adverse impacts in our supply chains for renewable raw materials by pre-screening suppliers on human rights criteria, by conducting social audits, supplier surveys and assessments, by training Neste employees and engaging in capacity building with suppliers, and by participating in multi-stakeholder collaboration and partnerships to jointly address root causes and systemic issues along the value chain.
Detailed information on our human rights due diligence processes for suppliers, including screening and auditing practices, can be found in our Modern Slavery Statement and Annual Report.
Worker Voice
In 2022–2023, we launched and implemented worker voice technology in Neste’s operations and supply chains to scale up our worker engagement. The technology uses an audiovisual survey to enable direct and anonymous engagement with workers on mobile devices. The survey provides insights into various topics affecting workers employed by our suppliers and contractors – for example, inequality, living wages, recruitment fees and children’s access to education, all priority areas in Neste’s human rights ambition for 2030.
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